Hello from Charleston SC

Profile picture for user Warpiper

Hi All,

I found this forum not to long ago and like the activity and subjects.  I'm not new to baking bread but its been about 12 years since I baked last.  I'm just starting to get back into it and its been a little disappointing but I'll get back into the swing of things again.  I used to bake mostly with sourdough and that's what I'm trying to get back into.  I recently received some starter from friends of Carl, Oregon Trail sourdough.  I like it and it's easy to maintain and use.  Also very active.  I look forward to comparing notes with others. 


We're glad to have you with us. I, too, baked most of my family's bread as a stay at home mom, but life got busy with growing kids, school, activities and my returning to the workplace, so it was set aside. I started back up a few years ago and dove into sourdough and am loving it.

I'm sure you've seen there are bakers here from around the world, and with a wide range of experience, skills and preferences. Something for everyone. Enjoy and participate!
