Hello from Portland OR

Profile picture for user estherc

I've baked bread occasionally pretty much my whole life. Six months ago I decided to try making a sourdough starter and I haven't bought a loaf of bread since (except when on the road in our RV. No room or time for bread making there though I did try a no knead bread but my RV oven isn't even heating enough for a successful loaf.)

What got me interested in  sourdough was Beranbaum's The Bread Bible. Her technique for making the poolish and then putting the rest of the flour and yeast on top and letting it bubble through made bread far better than what I'd been doing. So I decided to take it to the next level with sourdough. 


I'm having fun experimenting with different recipes and techniques. I have my failures, many good loaves and the occasional perfect loaf. Found lots of advice and recipes here, thanks!

What temp does your RV oven reach? If it gets to 350 F or so, you ought to be able to make SD, although not necessarily from the same recipes you use for your higher temp home oven.

The problem was uneven temperature. The bottom of the loaf was burned to a crisp. I think I'm going to try an insulated cookie sheet to see if that helps. If I can find one small enough to fit in my tiny oven. The heat is really inconsistent.

I really don't have the space to keep flour, nor a sourdough starter in the RV. Its a 21ft class C with a tiny fridge. If I do any breadmaking it will be noknead yeast breads. 

aka English Muffins... If you really want to make bread when on the road that is! All you need is a griddle/heavy frying pan or a hotplate of some sort...


So I'm in, Hood River! Just started experimenting with sourdough a year ago.

I love Hood River. My husband was trying to talk me into moving there but I love Portland too much to leave.