Floyd, how about chat capability?

Profile picture for user Elagins

I'd love to have the opportunity to chat in real time with other bread enthusiasts who are online when I am. Any chance of putting the capability in?


This has been brought up several times -so far nothing has significantly changed in our schedules to make maintenance and babysitting of a chatroom manageable.

Lots of folks connect using existing technology by placing their AIM/MSN/Yahoo etc Instant Messenger contact information in their profiles here - you can always try checking those to have direct contact with folks on the site where more instant conversation can happen. 



I read your post here and followed it to your blog where I discovered the link to your beautiful jewelry!  I loved it all and now have found a source for lovely birthday gifts for friends.  I also love the idea of nursing necklaces- very clever idea- having four children(one set of twins), I know that neck-pinching, searching grab those little fingers have.

I hope you have lots of success and continued enjoyment from your beading.


Profile picture for user Grey

I would say if people were interested, one could embed a java IRC client (Such as EIRC or PJIRC) and use it to connect to freenode where we could register a channel, as a computer nerd who hangs out in IRC all the time, it's useful to have a few operators in the channel but there's no need for it to be only one person, Pick a few trusted members (And yeah, trust can be hard to build in a somewhat anonymous community, but for the most part everyones actions especially on IRC are open and visible to all) who are in the channel regularily and they can perk up whenever someone's being a jerk, or when poked by others in the channel, Using freenode and an existing chat client would eliminate the need for you to handle anything but the actual moderation, and in a fairly short time even that can be passed off to those interested in helping (I'd be willing)

I know moderation of a chat channel can be troublesome, but I hang out in many channels on freenode and usually a low number of moderators can effectively keep out the troublemakers, freenode is very strict about bots and spammers so they block a lot of the known troublemakers.

Just putting in my 2c,

- Grey

Profile picture for user Floydm

In reply to by Grey

Dstroy and I have spent plenty of time on IRC, and that is precisely the reason I *don't* want to embed chat here. There are the issues of monitoring the content, the issues related to trying to teach people how to use IRC clients, the syntax... Bots and spammers are the least of the problems (though they too would be an issue). No, no thanks, not here. We could certainly start an IRC channel on freenode and post the channel name here, but I'm not going to officially support it or embed it on the site. If we started it and it was great I might change my mind later, but at least to begin with it'd only be for folks who can figure out how to access IRC on their own.

that sounds reasonable to me,

/me wanders off to ponder what such a channel might be called :) 


In reply to by Floydm

I'm having a hard time writing this as I don't like to post stuff that isn't related to purpose of the site, but I fully support not adding IRC and I hope Floyd doesn't change his mind. 

