Hello all!
Recently I've been smitten with babka and can't get enough.
This is a cinnamon babka I made recently. I made enough to take to work and share with family and they sure didn't last very long!
I have the recipe and directions on my blog at http://makebread.net/cinnamon-bun-babka/ - check it out if you're interested and thanks for looking!
This technique looks a lot like the Russian braid that Ciril Hitz does in this video:
Is Babka another name for the same thing, or are they completely different?
Hi MonkeyDaddy,
Thanks for the comment. Babka does have many names like Kulich and others I don't know.
After watching the video you reference I guess the technique is similar. I posted a video of exactly how I did it here:
I hope this is helpful!
I love my babka and haven't made any for a while. You have inspired me to bake one.
Happy baking, Ski
Thanks Skibum, it's fun to make - I encourage you to do so!