Hello from Down Under

Profile picture for user Baking_at_the_Beach

Have been lurking this forum for a week or so and gathering lots of information, so thought I should join up!

Totally new to baking - some mad capped idea that I would bake bread while I stay at home to look after the baby when my wife returns to work, did some research and found Tartine Bread. Got hooked when he said he was a surfer, and purchased the book. Luckily the guy I purchased it off added in some dried sour dough culture and off I went!

Plenty of fun working out what I was doing and so far off two bakes have made what look like reasonable first attempts! 

Photo is off the second attempt, one in a preheated Dutch oven, the cut loaf is from an un preheated glass casserole dish. 


You will definitely keep busy with the projects you have lined up, baby care and bread baking!  We look forward to your posts and questions.   Embth

Profile picture for user yozzause


Hi there Baking_at_the_beach, you will find yourself amongst quite a few fellow Aussies here on TFL, If you go into My Account  you can put in a few more details about yourself and your location which helps fellow members know a little more which can often be relevant with the conditions that you might be baking under. it also enables members to know if  you are in their area so that contacts can be established over our shared interest. (I'm in PERTH)

Your bread looks very good and you must be well pleased with the results in such a short time, if the baby care goes as well as your bread you will be sitting pretty. Our youngest daughter has just gone back to work after 18 months off and we are looking after our grand daughter for 2 days a week and the sister in law 1 day a week. When I say we it probably should read my wife, in fact she has gone down to their property today  and left me at home and I think I will be baking a sticky Malt loaf which will be my second attempt at this very English style loaf. The first attempt was very pleasing and the Mother in law gave it her tick of approval (English) .   

kindest regards Derek

Seems you can combine the two!

Thanks for the welcome, and I have noticed how much difference the higher temperatures make to the times from the book - good to have some local input!

Profile picture for user besquared

Howdy! My tips are to score the baby at 30 deg.... wait no that's not right.. preheat the crib to.. no.. damn I don't actually know anything about babies but good luck with bread baking!

Best to keep the baby and the oven apart for now! Although my older son has shown some interest in baking bread - mostly because I described it as yeast farts.

Your on the right track if they enjoy your bread, my grand daughters never pass up the opportunity to have some of grand dads bread either!.

I see you have also had time to fill out your details in My Account  WELL DONE, far north NSW Coast probably a bit far for a get together at the moment.

kind regards Derek