Tin sizes and the amount of dough


I have bought 4 tins, and would like advice on how to work out how much flour and dough to put in.


First tin:




I find 500g of flour will rise to the top and I have read 625g will let it bloom over and dome nicely. Even though it is meant to be a 3lb tin. I filled this with water and nearly 2000g.


Second tin:



This I find needs 800-1000g, which is 200g off the 4lb it is meant to be. Should I use very strong flour with a loaf this big and how long should I bake it for as I am struggling to find recipes for bread this large. I filled this with water and it is 2400g.


Third tin:



The sides are far too short! Well at least I think so. I've used 500g of flour for this one and it doesn't do very much. I bought this based on Paul Hollywood's recommendation that bakery bits do a proper 2lb tin and he named dimensions which matched this one.


Tin number 4:




I thought my problem was i needed a tin with straight sides and more sandwich like. So I got this. I put 500g of flour thinking it would make 800g loaf as the tin is labled and it hasn't got the size I would expect, barely 3/4 of the tin. I filled it with water and weighed and it was roughly 2400g.



Since you know the volume of your tins, you can calculate the amount of dough.  Generally it is 60% of the volume that is the optimum. 


Best of luck :)

what kind of dough and bread it is and how much you expect to to rose in thee tin.  Whole rye breads and whole grain ones don't rise as much so they need more dough going in and some fluffy enriched breads are supposed to more than double in size and they need less.  For a white bread that you expect to double in volume when done than 60% of the weight of water might be right but for a whole wheat you would want .75 and expect an 85% rise.