Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat has changed

Profile picture for user Rajan Shankara

Has anyone else experienced Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat flour degrading in quality? The flour used to feel well ground, now it just feels like sand. 

Any other whole wheat flours out there that are finely ground? I mean all whole wheat, not a blend. 

Bronze Chief is a nice red whole wheat flour.  Great whole grain flavor, it is my favorite traditional whole wheat.  That said, the Prairie Gold is also stocked (I keep both in my chest freezer.)   Milled from lighter colored "white" whole wheat,  it's flavor is milder since it lacks dark red pigments.  Prairie Gold can be used in place of white flour in many items including cookies, muffins, etc.   If you have a family member who is reluctant to eat whole wheat, Prairie Gold will have them eating healthier and not noticing it.  : )

Profile picture for user Floydm

I haven't baked with Bob's WW Flour in a year or two -- it is more expensive and tougher to find in Canada than some of our local mills, like Anita's Organic -- but my impression has always been that Bob's WW Flour is more coarsely ground than King Arthur's WW Flour or others. I've assumed that is intentional or a result of the mills they use.

Profile picture for user Rajan Shankara

In reply to by Floydm

I'm honored to see you on my post. Thanks for all of this. 

Looks like I'm going to move on to another flour soon. One of the brothers mentioned we should just crush our own, I already have a high powered barley crusher in the brewhouse, why not crush wheat berries too. A 50lb bag shouldn't be too hard to find. 

is awesome. I recently switched to their whole wheat fine grade and it is like working with white flour. Amazing.