This is among my best tasting breads, alla Tartine.
Levain was mixed Friday night using 1 tablespoon of starter from the fridge (last fed one week prior).
Saturday morning, about 15 hours later, I mixed the levain with 700 grams of water, 700 grams AP flour, 205 grams whole wheat and 95 grams whole rye.
Forty minutes or so later, I added 20 grams of salt and some extra water, enough to incorporate the salt into the dough, and enough to keep my hands from sticking. (Tartine suggests 50 gram but I find that to create a dough that is a bit too wet/pasty).
The dough was very easy to handle, was not at all sticky, and I let it proof at room temperature (around 68 degrees) for 3 hours 45 minutes, in a basket (with a lint free towel rather than in the basket directly).
Baked covered for 20 minutes at 450 (after preheating to 500) and uncovered for 25 minutes at 450.
- David Esq.'s Blog
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sourdough. So how big was the levain and how much was water and flour in it? I think it would be tastier if retarded too. But if your are out of time and want some nice bread this would be it! Well done and
Happy baking
Levain: 20 grams of starter (Starter at about 80% hydration, made with AP flour) dispersed into 100 grams warm water, mixed with 100 grams of 50/50 blend of whole wheat and AP flour. So, 200 grams of levain at about 50% hydration.
Dough: 200 grams of levain, dispersed into 700 grams of water, and mixed with blend of 700 grams AP, 205 grams WW, and 95 grams Whole Rye.
No doubt it would have had more flavor if I retarded overnight but the plan was to bake Sunday night so I could have a nice sandwich on Monday at work. :)
Nice looking and I'm sure great tasting loaf.