100% sourdough bread pics


Just sharing some of our lovely loaves :)

Well I was going to share some pics but this system is horrid :( It wont upload or theyre too big or it just doesnt respond or you upload finally and then it says no file selected... or you get to the insert part and it say please select a file .... meh, too hard

Lovely Loaf. Pity we can't see more pics. It is a bit of a complicated system and took me a while to work it out. Let me see if I can explain this...

1. Click on what looks like a photo of a tree to the left of the speech marks at the top of the comment box.

2. A window should open up.

3. In the window click to the right of the box the upload button.

4. A new page will open.

5. In this new page click upload photo to the top left and find the photo you wish to upload.

6. Click upload button and it will appear in the box to the right (it will automatically adjust the size)

7. When it has appeared, highlight it and click insert photo.

8. Go back to the window that appeared in step 2 and the file should now appear.

9. There should be some options to toggle the photo, like the size and where it appears, but takes time to get used to so for now just click upload or insert and it will appear in the comment box. Hopefully!

An all too common peeve for  photographers: to see the photo you've done your best to make look perfect resized by some unknown, on-line algorithm you have no control over. I can only liken it to having someone squash your beautiful loaf to make it fit in a tin when you'd have been happy to bake to the required dimensions, had you only known what they were.


Those breads look nice. You can always copy the image url, click the picture icon, and put the url in there:


Thanks :), I was trying to load direct , bbut yeh maybe next time I'll do the url, this is our mixed grain, 20% whole spelt with red quinoa and millet, kibbled rye and barley

Amber, the lusciously beautiful crisp pic you posted is over 4 megabytes.  That is probably 10x as big as needed for posting to TFL.  I could tell it was a whopper as it loaded s_l_o_w_l_y from top to bottom.  Try to use some app (Preview on a Mac does it for me, or Photoshop of course if I want to take the time) to reduce them to at least under 1 Mb or better <500k.  You're probably pushing some limit in Floyd's setup. 

We in the hinterlands here who pay for every bit and byte that squeezes through our pinhole bandwidth will appreciate it.  And you'll have a much easier time getting your pretty breads up to elicit our compliments.

NICE bread!  Glossy crumb and sturdy crust.  Picture perfect indeed.


They are absolutely lovely! You should be proud of those loaves. What an amazing crumb for what looks like a wholegrain loaf. 

Thanks Abe, this is our Dark Rye, 60% whole rye/almost pumpernickel type flour. very German or Scandinavian type bread :)

 The bottom ones are white

That was some amazing bake! Consistent top notch results. And you now have no problem posting photos :)

I've been baking a while , but we really got serious about 9 months ago, researching and getting all nerdy with the details.... Slack doughs are key, not some percentage hydration coz that can vary depending on your flour. We mix only til incorporated about 2- 3 min, minus the salt and any chunky/specialty ingredients, autolyse 20 min with the leaven of course.

Add the salt etc and mix again, let rest about 15 -30 min and fold - (we dont knead the hell out of the dough, it ruins the texture and wrecks the gluten, (in my opinion) when you slice your bread it shouldnt crumble everywhere, thats over worked dough) -.... so we do 2 folds n/s/e/w, during a 2hr bulk then shape and retard over night til about 85 - 90% proof and bake hot @ 250C about 30 or so mins ....... yeh thats about it :)

Moisture, moisture, moisture... if in doubt add water not flour!