Raisin Pecan WW Levain Batards, again?

Profile picture for user alfanso

Sure, as it has been months since I tried these out once before.  Sold at Ken's as demi-baguettes.  As long as I'm on my thang about changing baguettes to batards, and vice versa, why not?  Those black things on top are/were golden raisins, not black jelly beans...



Yeah, raisins tend to pop out and get burned, but I bet there are plenty more inside, with their simple, sweet goodness, waiting to be discovered. The crust on these is spectacular!


Hi Cathy,

For the 1500g of total dough weight I use 90g of pecans and 90g of raisins, so every slice, however thin, has both incorporated.  They get folded in on the first letter fold.  Makes for a lumpy set of letter folds.

Thanks for the thoughts on the crust.  I've had a lot of success on crusts, pretty much across the board.  Good shaping and scoring are some basic components, and a healthy dose of steam for the first 12-13 minutes.


To get away from Portland winters, we'd look to be elsewhere.  In winter 2006 we rented a bungalow for three months just a street off the south Florida intracoastal.  When we returned in spring, Ken's Artisan Bakery was selling these, a creation that happened while we were away.  Sold only as demi-baguettes, they are as tasty as candy with a great crusty finish.  Thanks.
