
This afternoon on the local NPR station I heard about a bakery in Seattle, Barrachini's. Remo Barranchini was interviewed - he is 78 and has been baking bread since he was 11! The bakery was started in the basement of the house where he lived and later the present bakery was built at a cost of $5,000. When asked what he likes so much about baking bread he said that he looks through the glass door of the oven to watch the bread "burst open". So nice to hear someone so happy with his work and still getting a kick out of watching bread bloom. He says he plans on baking until he is 95 and then he will go part time. Hope I can make a trip over to check it out in person, A.

Thanks for the Remo Berranchini story.  Let us know what you find out on your trip over to check it out.

Howard - St. Augustine, FL