Best wood for a bench/table


Hi everyone, I'm thinking of buying a new table for baking and would like to know which would be the best wood for the bench/table top. 



I believe the ultimate table to be north american maple, laminated in approx. 4cm strips.

Maple tables are lovely to work dough off on.

( I cringe in horror when I see bakers in videos working on stainless steel tables)

cheers and may you build or find your perfect work table

( I cringe in horror when I see bakers in videos working on stainless steel tables)

cheers and may you build or find your perfect work table

There was a time when the Health Departments wanted to get rid of all wooden surface and replace them with stainless or plastic surfaces.  It was later found that the plastic surfaces where actually harder to sanitize completely if they had a worn surface from real life work.  The wooden surfaces would get abrasion scars as well but the wood actually acts as an anti- bacterial in the grooves where the damaged plastic provided a breeding ground. 


gerhard, I agree with you about the anti-bacterial properties of wood, I've read it in several studies, but I also heard that not every wood is the same. I guess maple is correct in that sense.

Of course steel and most of all plastic are horror surfaces for bakers!

Thanks everybody!