Brian's onion rolls, with apologies to Norm

Profile picture for user Skibum

One of the great things about this site is the volume of great recipes to try. One of my favourites is Norm's onion buns:

My two key changes were using a liquid levain and upping the hydration to about 68% The dough hydration as written would be not workable at my elevation and I hand mix all my breads, so no big mixer to help.

Start with 2 Tbs dried onion rehydrated in a couple of cups of boiling water. I used the re-hydrated onions to top and the water to mix the dough.

I needed to feed my liquid levain after 4 or 5 days of neglect in the fridge and used 75 grams of what would have been discard to make a sponge:

75 grams (old) liquid levain

21g sugar

7g malt syrup

21g beaten egg

150 g strong bread flour (BF)

150g onion water

I let the sponge get happy for a couple of hours, then into the fridge overnight.

After a couple of hours on the counter in the morning, I added

110g H2O

265g BF

21g canola oil

7g salt

I mixed and used Peter Reinhart's S&F method, let rise for 1:20 then shaped 125g balls and baked off at 450F, 8 minutes with steam and 12 minutes, turning a couple of times.

These rolls are excellent by them selves with just a schmear of butter. For sandwiches, I am now torn between apple wood smoked chicken or hickory smoked pulled pork, both of which I have cached in the freezer AND can actually find. Votes?

Happy baking, Ski

This is the first time I have made these with a levain rather than yeasted. I love the flavour of these buns and the naturally yeasted version is a pretty similar replica of my previous yeasted buns. One of my favourite TFL recipes, right behind your blueberry, sour cream braid!

Happy baking, Ski

Perfect for either sandwich and i like both equally well.... but once i get one out of the freezer that one becomes my favorite right then and there - it you discount moose ribs with your chocolate 'moose'

Well done and happy baking .

. . . are good descriptions of these rolls. For the record I went with the smoked chicken AND pulled pork and I have another batch on the go as I type.  Great flavour and a nice snap to the crust. My liquid levain needs a refresh, so I will start a sponge with the discard once again.

Happy baking!  Ski