Bounty of the week's bake

Profile picture for user Skibum

From top left, the obligatory weekly pulla braid, country blonde, apple, walnut, cream cheese bread and Italian semolina, sesame loaves!

I used a single batch of pulla dough to make both the braid, 60%  dough volume and apple, cream cheese bread, 40%dough volume. My goal with the fruit, cream cheese bread was to pack as much goodness into each bite as possible. Mission accomplished!!!

Happy baking!  Ski

Those are some fine breads.  The apple cream cheese braid sounds scrumptious. 


. . . keeps whispering to me, "have another slice."  The base blueberry cream cheese recipe is excellent and I have enjoyed mixed berry versions, but I think I like the apple, walnut filling the best.  I found this version in the original thread in Favourite Recipes. It is now one of my very favourite recipes and it is never bad to try and stuff in extra fruit filling.

Happy baking! Ski

I gave up trying to master your SJSD  and will work on my batard shaping, proofing and scoring, before trying again. I owe being able to make these breads to TFL posters such as yourself who have shared so much knowledge with the community. Thank you and happy baking!  Ski

me think about giving up smoked moose ribs for lent!  They all look delicious Ski  What a varied combination!

Well done and happy baking

No smoked ribs, but I did hickory smoke a boneless pork rib roast and have some really nice pulled pork. I was going to make your florn tortillas, but have no masa.  Could I use corn meal, pulverized in a spice grinder?

I will again thank you and TFL contributors like yourself for sharing so generously your knowledge and bakes. Great time to also thank Floyd for putting up this great site! From VERY humble beginnings, my baking has grown and improved immeasurably.  I have found TFL to be a most friendly, knowledgeable and welcoming community.

Happy baking! Ski

made with yellow corn meal and whole kernel fresh sweet corn.  it wonlt be the same but you can use a cup of corn meal with a cup of flour and it should be dangerously, delicious, deadly and different too - commonly known as The 4 Deadly D's!  Should work - no worries.

Those all look fantastic Ski.  I have to go ahead and make a Pulla already as yours always look so good.

Happy Baking,
