Greetings from Whole Wheat in the Bread Machine


Hello, I decided to create an account to share my journey.

I am fairly dedicated to a healthy plant based life, but being strict is not  part of it. Whole Wheat Bread Machine adventures is my game, full time worker with an active personal life is my name. 

I recently bought Flour Water Salt Yeast book on kindle (most expensive kindle buy!). I took many notes on tips to try, but this book just doesn't speak to me because it doesn't commit to whole wheat like I need it to.  Also not ever going to maintain a sourdough starter/levain until maybe i retire. Skipped past that section.  Tried it once, yes it's tasty, I kill rocks.

Outside of that, been tinkering with bread machines off and on for 20 years. Now more recently familiar with cooking with whole grains (like brown rice, whole oats, all legumes).  I cook every bean in electric pressure cooker with a hot soak over night, and some beautiful brown rice in the rice cooker along side.  My favorite rices are thai brown jasmine, short grain brown, black, and Lundberg Wehani red.

So I'm no stranger to long old fashioned simple cooking.  I already owned a Vitamix, and decided to buy the dry grain blade container.  I will be posting in the milled grains and bread machine section.

The main little thing that prompted me to speak out loud tonight was this.  I milled 2 cups of wheat berries in the vitamix with the dry blade and took an instant digital temp.  Almost 140 F degrees.  Making this post while I kill time waiting for it to cool down to room temp!  :)

Thank you, all you good bread making people.


Profile picture for user KathyF

Sounds like you are doing interesting things in your bread baking journey. May I suggest you document (with photos!) your projects by using the blogging feature on the site? This helps to keep your posts in one place rather getting lost in the forum over time. I look forward to see what you are baking!

I've been using a dry blade vitamix - I find freezing the wheat berries before grinding and then using small amounts (250 grams or so at a time) keeps the finished flour pretty cool.

I'd also encourage you not to be afraid of sourdough - it really doesn't take too much time & effort, and the flavor and joy in the process can make it worthwhile. Look up Debra Wink in the search box - here's her first part of the pineapple juice solution -

Also, anything on starters by dabrownman is worth checking out - only problem is that it's addictive :-)

Enjoy your baking adventures!


Thanks all! That bread turned out really nice, good rise, fluffy soft texture. Just a little bland, will continue to work on flavor development.