Another trip up north, but this time I'm staying home to tend to the dog. However some baguettes will be accompanying my wife on the journey - destination in-laws, as usual. The recent bake of Hamelman's Pain au Levain are scheduled to travel, and now these baguettes based on David Snyder's SJSD Italian Baguettes. Next up will probably be my take on his SJSD baguettes. That should hold the Old Folks over for a few meals.
These didn't open quite as much as the P au L baguettes did, but the bloom on those were really outstanding. However, nothing to complain about here. The taste of these is just truly spectacular. They might just be #1 on my palate's hit parade.
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I'm not even the maestro of my sock drawer yet! Maybe I should shape some grissini, and use one as a baton for my oven symphony ;-) .
I'm finding a lot of fun taking baguette formulae and shaping the dough into batards, and batard/boule formulae and making baguettes with it. Beyond a few differing flours and some occasional additions like olives, nuts and raisins, I'm not so experimental yet. But doing the above tweaks has so far kept me interested.
may I have the recipe? Because my chef also from italian
The link to the Original Post of this recipe is listed in the body of the main text as well as here: David Snyder's SJSD Italian Baguettes. My methodology and sourdough/levain differ from David's somewhat. I retard my dough in already preshaped baguette form and bake directly out of the refrigerator. David retards his dough in bulk and then shapes and proofs the baguettes the following day. My method may not work for all commercial spaces due to the shaped forms taking significantly more space in the retarder vs. tubs of dough.
Good luck and if you do it, please post your pictures and results for all of us to enjoy. You are off to a good start from the looks of your ciabatta rolls on your post this morning.
Another great looking bake Alan. Looks like you are getting the hang of this baking thing :)