Good morning form the beautiful Pacific Northwest. It's been a awhile like a few years since I've last posted. Thought I'd reintroduce myself. Baking is my hobby. I'm a home baker/cake decorater that enjoys (loves) baking everything. I've found however that bread is my favorite. Sounds silly but dough feels good in my hands it feels natural. I'm not into cooking. I find trying to figure out dinner on a daily basis stressful. I enjoy giving. I've found the gift of bread to be the most satisfying.
I lost my sourdough starter that I'd started myself. I had it going strong for over a year. I starved it to death. Chasing down a chronic illness got the best of me. I've tried (not to hard) here and there to start a new starter only to let it go and dump it. I'm on day five of my new starter. I'm happy to say its going very well. I'm using the rye/pineapple method which I've used in the past. Was super surprised to how much bubble action was going on last night and this morning. I've decided to keep this starter as a rye starter. Im glad to be back.
When life hands you lemons-make sourdough! Great therapy for inside and out.
Have a good time baking some delicious fun.
That should be a car sticker.
Thanks for the welcome back.
on your first comment! it is best to copy your post the clipboard before hitting save/ You never know when it is going to strike or why.....
Welcome back and happy baking