I'm new here, but not new to baking bread

Profile picture for user aSwedishElf

I love to bake bread and I am making strides towards opening a home based bakery.  My grandfather came to the States from Norway and had his own bakery in IL. He passed away before I was born. I wish I could have met him! I have his love for baking in me though. :)

I was given a wild Alaskan sourdough starter last month so that is my latest obsession in baking. I want to learn more about using it. I'm having very good luck so far with what I have made (bread, cinnamon rolls, pancakes) but would love to learn more ways to use it and how to convert a traditional recipe to a sourdough one. 

I also love to bake artisan bread. So many combinations out there! 

So that is me in a nutshell. Glad I found this place. :)