I just joined this week....have been baking for a few years now and most of it exclusively sourdough. Took me a few years of experimenting to make sourdough work, thanks to peter reinhart I succeeded with the BBA. Did I feel like a real apprentice then! ;) Now I have come to the stage where I am trying to experiment and make up my own recipes. In the back of my mind is writing a book on sourdough ....NOT in english though. My country has so far NONE on the topic in our own language. With all those people starting to bake their own breads more and more, I thought maybe it would be a nice idea. Last week I stumled into TFL......have found it amazing :) Sometimes I could dream about working in an artisan type bakery but best I can do to approach that will be sharing my breads with my friends who love it......and isn't that great???
Wilkommen, Berti.
Glad to see you found your way here.
Hi Berti,
I also just discovered this site-and making sourdough- they're both great! Good luck with your book project!
Welcome from a fellow Dutchman living in the US since 18 years.
See my My Bread Adventures in pictures
thanks all, and HI dolf *waves*...... Hope that I will post more on this forum soon, Am a bit overwhelmed by all the information that is on it......one of the better ones I have seen so far and I am on at least one other, plus an yahoogroup.... where I stumbled into Bob..... ;)
Today Peter Reinharts Whole grain breads came in *drool* so I have something to sink my teeth in, so to speak, soon.
I LOVE Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads book. I just made a double recipe of his 100% ww sandwich bread into three loaves. It came out so good I was tempted to do it again because all three loaves are destined to be gifts. But I love his approach, with the soaker and the sponge the night before. And he's the most patient teacher!