Swiss WW2 bread trucks?

Profile picture for user fupjack

I was reading Rose Levy Berenbaum's Bread Bible last night, and the intro talks about the Swiss having "self-contained bread trucks" in WW2.  Searching the web, I can't find any other reference to this - other than a link on Google Books back to the original text.

Has anyone ever seen a source or reference for this?


That's really kind of awesome.  I'm surprised something like that hasn't shown up more with the growing popularity of food trucks...  though I suppose this mobile bakery is more oriented towards producing a crapload of bread than selling meals to trendy people.

I keep seeing one for sale here, for 18 grand, I recall. I'll try and round up the photo's. It seems to me that I also have photos in a book here, will get back to you.
