Toasted Black Sesame Sourdough

Profile picture for user Anne-Marie B

I've had my eye on this one for a while and finally got round to it this weekend. A savoury loaf made with Spelt and Semolina. The sesame flavour is strong, but not overpowering. The dough was soft but after umpteen folds, I thought it looked strong enough. I let the boule rise overnight in the fridge again and it looked a bit flat by the morning. But once it was in the oven, it came into its own. It makes a great sandwich with smoked black forest ham and a sharp aged cheese.

The recipe stated coarse semolina, but I had only fine semolina on hand, so that is what I used. I also used whole spelt flour and did not grind the toasted sesame seeds too finely. If you find the flavour of the sesame oil too strong, just use a few drops instead of the 10 drops suggested. I also added a teaspoon of malt extract.

Recipe here:

Very nice.  Looks like you achieved exactly the results of the original baker.  I would think the sesame flavor would be very strong with that amount of sesame oil in it so probably a good idea to decrease per your suggestion.

Happy Baking.

I'm not sure whether to hug it or eat it. I love sesame and really everything about this one. Thanks so much for sharing!
