Looking for recipe advice


Does anyone have a recipe that uses a 100% hydration whole wheat sourdough starter, oatmeal, nuts, and sunflower seeds?  I am fine with using other goodies, as well.  I'm looking for something that is sturdy enough for sandwiches, so don't want huge holes in this one.  It doesn't need to be a recipe already published, but maybe just how to take a recipe and tweak it to accommodate the oatmeal and the nuts/seeds.  Thanks!


then add in the nuts, etc.

If your normal recipe makes big holes then reduce the water in the main mix - my usual bread is 65% overall hydration and has small holes, not big ones. You may find that you do need to up the hydration a little though as some nuts/seeds will absorb some water. (I buy a ready mixed 5-seed mix from Shipton Mill as I'm too lazy to make up my own and it does need a little more water)

Just experiment though - I'd start with your regular bread and add in a handful of mix. What's the worst that will happen?


If you have the book it's on page 170.  The overall hydration is 75% because the grains will absorb water.  It also calls for instant yeast in addition to the levain.  This will accelerate the final proof time and lead to a more even crumb.  I haven't tried this recipe yet but do make a similar bread with a yeast pre-ferment rather than levain using sunflower, flax, and sesame seeds.  It's my favorite everyday sandwich bread.


Thank you, Alan.  I don't have Hamelman, but I will look for something similar in the Reinhardt books or the other couple that I have.  My concern is adding oatmeal & the seeds to the mix, not quite sure how much extra water, if any, I'd have to add.  Maybe not much, if I want to lower the hydration of the recipe I'm using now.

Thank you, Gordon.  Right, what's the worst that can happen?  Eventually, I'll get it right!