Pecan Porridge Multi-grain Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

  I love pecans and remembered the other day that I had some pecan meal left over just yelling at me to use it.  What better use than in a new version of a porridge bread.

I also found some bulgar, cracked wheat, rye chops and malted wheat flakes to use in the porridge which smelled amazing while cooking.

I used some fresh milled spelt, durum, and rye along with some AP flour, potato flour and KAF French style flour.

The end result was a dark looking bread that was soft with a chewy crust and is bursting with flavor.  The pecans are not very obvious in the final bread but you can taste them just enough.

I highly recommend trying this one if you have all the ingredients as you won't be disappointed.


Pecan Multi Grain Porridge Bread (%)

Pecan Multi Grain Porridge Bread (weights)

Here are the Zip files for the above BreadStorm files.


Levain Directions

Mix all the levain ingredients together  for about 1 minute and cover with plastic wrap.  Let it sit at room temperature for around 7-8 hours or until the starter has doubled.  I used my proofer set at 83 degrees and it took about 4 hours.  You can use it immediately in the final dough or let it sit in your refrigerator overnight.

Porridge Directions

Add about 3/4's of the milk called for in the porridge to the dry ingredients in a small pot set to low and stir constantly until all the milk is absorbed.  Add the remainder of the milk and keep stirring until you have a nice creamy and soft porridge.  Remove from the heat and let it come to room temperature before adding to the dough.  I put mine in the refrigerator and let it cool quicker.

 Main Dough Procedure

Mix the flours  and the water for about 1 minute.  Let the rough dough sit for about 20 minutes to an hour.  Next add the levain, cooled porridge, potatoes and salt and mix on low for 5 minutes.  Now add the onions and mix on low for another minute until they are incorporated.    You should end up with a cohesive dough that is slightly tacky but very manageable.  Remove the dough from your bowl and place it in a lightly oiled bowl or work surface and do several stretch and folds.  Let it rest covered for 10-15 minutes and then do another stretch and fold.  Let it rest another 10-15 minutes and do one additional stretch and fold.  After a total of 2 hours place your covered bowl in the refrigerator and let it rest for 12 to 24 hours.  (Since I used my proofer I only let the dough sit out for 1.5 hours before refrigerating).

When you are ready to bake remove the bowl from the refrigerator and let it set out at room temperature still covered for 1.5 to 2 hours.  Remove the dough and shape as desired.

The dough will take 1.5 to 2 hours depending on your room temperature and will only rise about 1/3 it's size at most.  Let the dough dictate when it is read to bake not the clock.

Around 45 minutes before ready to bake, pre-heat your oven to 550 degrees F. and prepare it for steam.  I have a heavy-duty baking pan on the bottom rack of my oven with 1 baking stone on above the pan and one on the top shelf.  I pour 1 cup of boiling water in the pan right after I place the dough in the oven.

Right before you are ready to put them in the oven, score as desired and then add 1 cup of boiling water to your steam pan or follow your own steam procedure.

After 5 minute lower the temperature to 450 degrees.  Bake for 35-50 minutes until the crust is nice and brown and the internal temperature of the bread is 205 degrees.

Take the bread out of the oven when done and let it cool on a bakers rack before for at least 2 hours before eating.


My little seal dog....Lexi cooling off at the beach yesterday
Max prefers the sand to the water :)
DSC_0115 (1)
Busy Bee on one of my cone flowers.


for sure.  Nice combination of flours and porridge with the pecans.  Lucy misses the East Coast Pack but sand and surf are not her cup of tea.  Put her in the pool and she can't get out fast enough plus she looks like a drowned rat:-)

Hope your weekend on the beach was great and

Happy baking  

Thanks DA.  I know you would like this one.  I have to say this is one of my favorites in the porridge bread series.  I love the color of this one as well.

Max and Lucy would love playing on the sand on the beach while Lexi surfs the waves.  Every time I put Max in the water, he give me a look of disdain and paddles right back to shore.  He has no love for the water unless he's drinking it :).


I have run across mentions of porridge bread and it sounds really good. I am going to have to put it on my list of breads to try.

Thanks Kathy.

I love porridge breads and I can't imagine you won't as well.  I hope you give one of mine a try and let me know what you think.

Happy Baking.
