Crunchy spelt walnut bread

Profile picture for user victoriamc

Spelt (or dinkel if you are from germany) is such a great grain to use in bread baking.  I am having alot of fun, creating lovely nutty flavoursome bread, this one I made extra crunchy and nutty by adding course grain semolina, walnuts and sunflower seeds.  Its a really tasty spelt bread, all the details can be found on  Enjoy.

Which other flavours and add-ins do you TFL folks like to include in spelt bread recipes?

 I am currently working on a 100% whole grain spelt bread with spelt flakes, I hope it will be up next.

greetings all



with floppy gluten development -there one minute and gone the next.  If you are feeling self deflalting, as well as, sporty with the 100% spelt bread - you might consider doing Michael Wilson's  Spelt Challenge of 100% spelt at 100% hydration.  i had a fun time doing that bake!

Your spelt bread with semolina, walnuts and sunflower seeds looks great and has ti to taste even better.  Well done and happy baking