Overnight Country Blonde, take 3

Profile picture for user Skibum

Well, I thought I would try out my new oval shaped brotform and I like the result. Like my round form it is made for 500g of dough. I used a half of KF's formula, then divided it for the two small forms.

The dough has just been placed in the brotforms to proof. After 3 hours the dough had risen above the forms comfortable. Each loaf was 612 grams and perhaps the upper limit for these forms.

Once again the loaf in the round form stuck badly, so I have worked on that problem today. The only thing I changed up was a longer autolyse of 6 - 7 hours to see if that would open up the crumb. It didn't.

I think I over did the bulk ferment as it peaked then fell back somewhat. I did the final mix at 3:30 pm which was too early. By 7:00 am the bulk had fallen.


Happy baking folks, Ski

Those look really good! I have some brotforms on the way. Can't wait 'til they get here so I can try them out!

this has to be one fine tasting bread.  When it over ferments, over proofs and then sticks and you get this kind of result - you are living right -  Well done and happy baking.

I really like the new oval brotform as it gives more of a sandwich loaf than the round. It also gives the crust a nice appearance. Be sure to dust with a LOT of rice flour -- more than you think!

I will definitely have to watch the bulk ferment. It was 73F dropping to 68F overnight. I definitely went too long. I proofed to the finger test, but the boule still was flat, so over fermented is right. 

Coming up soon, take 4. Happy baking folks! Ski

The breads look great!  Sticking - I wonder if your baskets aren't seasoned enough? They look pretty new and clean. I often give mine a light tap to get rid of loose flour after using them, but otherwise don't do anything to clean them. They're getting a nice "baked in" (pardon the pun) coat on them.. maybe that would help.. just a thought..

I used copious amounts of rice flour and brushed it in generously into my new oval brotforms and no problem.

I had a previous sticking problem with the round form and when I put my reading glasses on noticed there were astill a few small bits wedged in the crevices. I cleaned these bits out with the point of a knife and a stffv nylon brush brushed with lots of flour and voila! No more sticking!!!

Happy baking, Ski

Nice looking loaves Ski.

If you are still having issues with the sticking, brush some rice flour directly on the sides of the loaf before or after you put it in the basket.  I find this helps with sticky doughs and I almost never have an issue anymore.

Do the oval loaves still fit in the dutch oven?  I have to try this again...I keep using my round baskets but have some ovals as well.  I just was never sure how much dough to use in them or even how to shape for rising.

I place the proofed loaves on the lid and use the base as a lid to bake.

My oval brotforms are 91/4" x 51/4' inside dimensions and the oval loaves barely fit into the lodge lid. My first bake using the oval forms saw the loaves spread out and up as they couldn't spread longer. My round form is &' inside diameter and dough volume for both of these forms is 600-620 grams.

Happy baking, Ski