San Diego Fresh Loavers meet on Saturday, March 22


Hi all,

It is time for yet another meeting of the San Diego Fresh Loavers (and bread baking enthusiasts). We will meet on Saturday, March 22, at 1:00 PM. Our meeting place is in front of the Kensington Public Library.

Each of us will bring a loaf of bread (that they made, of course). This time, we will have a theme: the bread should involve nuts in some form.

Our previous meetings have been great, and this meeting promises to also be lots of fun. Please come! (Of course, if you're from Southern California -- or elsewhere -- and wish to come, you are more than welcome).

I hope to see you there!


p.s. See here for a write-up and some pictures of our previous meeting.

I might actually be able to show up at this one. I'll haven't done any nutty loaves yet so I guess I'll venture into something new to bring with. Hopefully work cooperates and I can make it.