Well it was nearly a complete gong show, but fortunately the bread turned out nicely. I followed Ken Forkish's directions to the T this time with a now healthy and very active levain. I baked this a couple of weeks ago with a pretty new levain and also put the bulk ferment in the fridge overnight. A re-read of the formula revealed no refrigeration of the bulk fermentation. After an overnight on the counter, I had a huge volume of 80% hydration dough -- at least 3.5x grown in volume.
After shaping I had my doubts the dough would fit into the banneton. My fears were confirmed.
Sometimes you need to read ALL of the instructions. At 80% hydration, this loaf stuck all around the top two canes that apparently were not well enough floured, overflowed the baking parchment and peel, stuck onto the counter and peel and barely fit into the DO. This was a half a OCB recipe. When I checked, Ken uses a 9" banneton and mine is barely six inches. Oops!!! I need a bigger banneton, or cut the formula to 1/3 from 1/2.
Fortunately the bread tastes great. I really like this recipe and with a healthy levain, a great flavour and chew.
Happy baking folks. Everyone has their gong show baking moments . . . Ski
- Skibum's Blog
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All things considered you ended up with a great looking loaf.
For all that, you still have a yummy looking loaf. I am trying the Overnight Country Blonde myself tonight. Hold on, the bulk ferment is not in the refrigerator? All right, I went back and reread the recipe and by golly, no mention of bulk fermenting in the fridge. I could of sworn it said somewhere to do so. Boy, am I glad you posted! Thanks!
Boy does it ever get big on the counter over night! I think this is how Ken meant it to be and sometimes one needs to read things three times to finally get it. The final loaf is delicious!!! Happy baking, Ski
looks great! as soon as I saw your picture I wondered if it was a ken forkish bread. you did a wonderful job of it!
. . . it really was a gong show. WAAAY too much dough for the banneton. I didn't think I would even get it in the oven -- really! You are too kind!!!
Happy baking, Ski
affect the looks much and the taste had to be fine too! Well done and
Happy Baking