We're in the running for a small business grant through a program sponsored by Chase and LinkedIn, but to get to the next level, we need 250 votes within the next three weeks. If you like what The New York Bakers is doing and want us to do it even better, please help us out by voting here: https://www.missionmainstreetgrants.com/b/24561.
I just voted. How does voting work? Can we vote more than once?
Unfortunately only one vote per person, but that's really the fairest route.
keep us posted.
Good luck, Stan!
just a smile and a "Thank you."
Love your flour, Stan.
Good luck!
Best of luck, Stan.
Can't vote without a Facebook! Lame...
These kinds of things come with secondary agendas -- in this case, encouraging people to sign on with Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites. Your call if you want to do it, but any help would be appreciated.
I don't have any of those accounts but will get my wife to do it through hers!
Just to let you know I just voted! Good luck....
I was thinking voters should get a sack (50#) of rolled rye. You've got my address, Stan. I'll be watching for the FedEx truck. :-)
that your vote's for sale? At least you think big!
And thanks,
I should like to point out that my vote is cheap at any price. Once bought, it stays bought.
Finally!After all the help you provided to all of us on the Fresh Loaf we can help you . My vote is in.
So I guess I cannot vote. Anyway greetings from Paris where we are on holiday and the have better baguettes than I can bake!
Stan but you would get my vote if i had one.
Just received a shipment of flours today - I was surprised how quickly it came. Thanks for all you do.