Hi, this is my first post here just curious if there are any nerdy well experienced bakers here? :) ---Im thinking to start a little micro bakery, sourdough, not commercial yeast assisted. Once I get my ideal dough temp sorted I will need a proofing cupboard/retarder, yes? And so I was wondering if getting a big fridge with controlled temp would do the job, or do I need the proofer to control humidity as well? ....
Next question; If I want an 8 - 10hr rise, do you think 10 degrees celsius is right, to then go straight into the oven?? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Great site btw!
I run a microbakery - my suggestion would be to concentrate on making bread and wory about fridges, proofers, etc. later. That's my plan, anyway... Got all the bits for my proofer/retarder, just need to build it now!
You need to control humidity - unless you keep all your dough fermenters/proving baskets covered.
I currently have a process that has an 8-10 hour ferment at about 24C then shaping & rising for another 1-2 hours, also at 24C, although the temperature is rising by then as the ovens are on. It got to 31C this morning...
And don't discount yeasted breads - one day you might want to make hot cross buns, stolen, or even something like this:
which was an overnight ferment with commercial yeast, but only 0.3% yeast...
Not dishing regular yeast at all, just prefer straight sourdough. I have a few breads up my sleeve and I make SD brioche, so yeh...
Anyhow Im thinking the prover to regulate winter/summer temps as we get hot summers and cold winters, Id be using it for final proof not bulk. I want to mix @ 25C around mid day, bulk ferment in the afternoon, shape and do a long overnight final proof ready for the oven at around 3am. Most decent proofers come with humidity regulator, some bakers use bread "bags" but it seems a bit fiddly. Ive read that 10C is good to go straight in the oven, just trying to find out if that'll get me my required hrs. Thanks :)

not sure where my pics went?