I apologise for not posting yhis in the proper place. I am brand new at this.
i made this 100% whole wheat bread today with only thr RWY and I ground the wheat fresh with hard red wheat. Only ingredients are, the RWY starter, whole wheat flour, water, honey, and salt. It raised really well and tastes great. Looks pretty good too. Thank you for all your help. It took me seven tries to just get the raisins to ferment. Think my first six tries were too old raisins. This was such a great help to read all of your posts.
- sskinnell's Blog
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Wonderful looking loaf! Congratulations! :)
Raisin Yeast Water.
Lovely looking loaf.
Did I say it wtong?
Yeast Water and because the yeast comes from the raisins one would call it Raisin Yeast Water.
Looks like a really lovely loaf. I bet it's delicious. Bon Appetite.
I should try this myself. Have started a few times but each time something cropped up that I couldn't see it through. Yours looks so nice I'm inspired to try again.
my YW for about forever but got it out of the fridge to see if it was still alive, It took 18 hours for it to double a levain but it finally did so i added some more flour to the mix to thicken it up and it doubled in 3 hours again. It is just as hard to kill as SD for sure.
Perfect for any recipe that doesn't require a sour taste..... like cinnamon rolls. or where the dough is heavy and needs the explosive lift of YW. I think I'm going to make some pumpernickel bagels with this levain if I can get Lucy on board.
Here is the YW Primer i posted when you get around to making some in the future.
YW Primer
Happy YW baking
I really should see one through. Like the idea they are hard to kill. Fills me with more confidence and from what I've read the process is pretty simple. Thanks for the YW Primer. Ive heard that YW breads are very tasty.
'less complexs but some things you don't want sour and some folks don't like sour . Perfect if you don't want to keep expensive commercial yeast around. When a recipe calls for yeast just make a YW poolish instead - like I did today!
Happy YW baking
We love YW around here especially when cherries are in season as they turn the YW that beautiful purple color.
Happy YW baking
Ha Ha Ha, I also can't type proper!
I was curious to see if you could keep the raisin yeast water levian in the fridge for a while so I made several and put two into the fridge. Next day I used one to make bread which worked really well. i just freshened it a bit with a little flour and water. Then today which would be three days in the fridge I took out the other one and freshened it. It was a little sour like sour dough starter but not as sour. My dough is prooffing now so will update later ! At least I found out you can preserve the levain in the fridge which I wanted to know. My next test will be to see how long you can keep it in the fridge.
3 days. If anything like a mature starter then 3 days in the fridge where it can still be used as a levain. Anything longer then that then it might need to be refreshed.