Hello, all,
I have been lurking about this site for quite awhile now, every time I search for bread recipes or for help with something. It occurred to me last night to register and join, so here I am.
I'm JoAnn, retired federal government engineer. I am just an amateur home baker, but thanks to the posts here, I do OK. The books I use for many of my recipes: The Peter Reinhardt books, Carol Fields' The Italian Baker, and Josey Baker Bread. I make the Quick Ciabatta recipe from here all the time, too.
I enjoy cooking in general, but really love to ferment things -- pickles, beer, sourdough, there is always something fermenting on my counter... So the sourdough hearth loaves are what I really enjoy baking the most.
I may not really have the credentials and am not at all official.. but happy to jump in and say welcome to anyone that loves the sourdough!
welcome from a bit further north! (Oakland)
Lots of good information here, about all sorts of fermented goods, I dabble in all the things you listed as well, cheers to fermentation enthuasts!
I've been lurking about for a good couple of years now, and have obtained loads of great information! Agree -- cheers to those who love to ferment things!