Bicolor Sourdough Bread

Profile picture for user EmmaFeng

This week I got an idea from a book written by two Japanese bakers, that is combine two different color dough together to create marble-like, or bicolor crumb inside. So I made this at weekend.

White dough: white flour 250g, active starter 70g (28%), salt 5g (2%), water 175g (70%)

Dough with coco powder: white flour 220g, active starter 62g (28%), salt 4.4g (2%), water 163g (74%), coco powder 22g(10%)

Autolysed flour and water for 30mins, added the starter and mixed those dough separately at 8:45am, then S&F 4 folds, then 8 hours fermentation @18C, divided and shaped the dough, proof in the refrigerator overnight, baked those dough at 8:00a @250C.



Welcome any questions and suggestions, thanks.

Happy sourdough baking. :)

Profile picture for user JulieJulia

before and after slicing!  Nicely done!

1. I made two separate dough, one white and the other brown. Then I shaped them into a rectangular respectively and put one over the other. 

2. I folded the dough from four sides towards the center, and shaped it to a round loaf (boule).

Hope it helps. Happy baking! 

Do you use natural/unalkalized cocoa powder or Ductch/alkalized cocoa?