Rye-Einkorn bread - delicious, but ...


Rye-einkorn bread was lovely and tasty, if a tiny bit underbaked. I had no idea, however, that I bought the wrong einkorn flour.

This was bread #71 and the next one will be two-thirds of the way to my 108 breads goal.

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

I've noticed that whole Einkorn flour adds more baking time to my loaves.

So what is "wrong einkorn?"

Einkorn is a real handful, to get anything that remotely good looking is an achievement to be proud of. I'm also curious, what it "the wrong Einkorn"?

I had no idea I was buying all purpose einkorn flour. I assumed, wrongly, that any flour in that part of the baking aisle, filled as it is with various grains and whole grain flours, would not have all purpose anything. It's basically the corner with Bob's Red Mill and similar companies represented. Also, I unthinkingly associated ancient with whole grain, which turned out not to be so. 

From what I have read, einkorn seems to come in two forms commercially, wheat berries or all purpose flour. Is there something else available?

The baking time should have been three to four minutes longer, I admit. 

Thank you for the compliment, the bread was delicious; literally eating the last bite now.

Whole Einkorn flour,  Einkorn AP, and berries.


Check out "point 3"

So I've had to go back and clarify my recipes as I use purchased whole einkorn flour (with some fine ground bran.)  My whole einkorn flour contains 9.4g fibre per 100g flour.    The Jovial AP einkorn contains 6.6g fibre per 100g.  Their whole einkorn is hardly a gram more fibre according to their own chart (in comparison to a whole??? durum wheat.)  

I don't know if the whole einkorn is more yellow in colour than the AP einkorn. 

Einkorn recipes... check this out!  https://jovialfoods.com/recipes/?category=17


Mini Oven,

Thank you for the information, especially what exactly distinguishes the Jovial AP einkorn from the whole grain. I will be looking into this and if I continue beyond the purchased bag of AP einkorn flour, it will be after Passover, about five weeks. Until then, there is lots of flour to use and rooms to be cleaned. 

I really appreciate that you take the time to share information and your sage advice.