Hi all

Profile picture for user PetraR

sorry I was not around for a while.

My healt was not to good and 2 of my sons where in a car crash, one got away with whiplash and bruises, the other one was on the ICU.

Both are doing fine now,well, one is still wearing a neckbrace , he broke a vertabrae in his neck, his ribs * all where broken  in 2 places and needed to be set as they where all out of place.

His lung was punctured and his liver was injured * the liver was a minor injury and heals itself. phewww *


Now I am back and in the mood for baking.

Have one sourdough final proofing, baking it in a loaf tin as it is easier to cut for sandwiches.

But also love to bake in my dutch oven.

Since I have to bake daily I can do both, loaf tin and dutch oven.

The bread out of the dutch oven is my fav. one but the slices are quite big when I bake a boule and I am not good enough to form a batard , so there... lol

Hope you are all well.


Happy baking.

And, speaking for your well-wishers, I'm glad your sons are on the mend, not worse, and that your health seems better.

Here's how I handle the slicing of the boule:  I start by making my first slice straight down through the middle of the loaf, then, putting each piece in turn cut-side down on the cutting surface, make slices from one side to the other.  The first slices are rather small; they're the ones I use to check the textures and taste.  I then freeze the slices in a freezer-thickness plastic bag, freeze the whole lot, and eat them gradually (freezer, toaster, butter/jam, mouth in that order.)

Why do you have to bake daily?  Hungry boys?





ooops, 3 posts with no message in it.

well, I was going to say that my boys are doing better now, one goes back to work next week, the other one, we do not know yet, it depends how well his neck is healing, we do not want to rush it.

Good tip with the bread.

I forgot to say that I bake every day as we are a family of 6 and we all love bread.

Not just for sandwiches but also to dip into sauce and and and...

4 people take each 2 slices for their sandwich in the morning, the same in the evening and inbetween. lol

I bake basic white loafs too, sweet raisin and cinamon bread, sourdough * my fav.bread * rolls...

My twin brother, the evil twin and I know all about boys and cars.  Once upon a time I got off the road in a blinding snow storm and ended up T - boning the car off a cliff into the middle of Sni-a-Bar Road that somehow turned out to be about 15' below.  I still have no idea how it all happened but it was 2 in the morning on New Years Eve:-)  My Dad was not happy but not mad enough to just kill me outright ....for some reason but he had other chances too

My twin was nicknamed 'crash' for his multitude of vehicular adventures in high school.  One I remember well since it happened in the high school parking lot before school and I ended up being thrown through the front window of his 39 Plymouth and being rushed to the hospital for some serious facial stitching.  He was speeding, when wasn't he really,  and a girl turned left right in front of us trying to enter perking stall.

It was all very exciting especially when my Mom showed up right as the ambulance, really a painted 56 Chevy Nomand station wagon with a gumball on top.  It had  those big side windows and  was getting ready to leave the parking lot.    I told the paramedic I was going to freak my mother out . She had just gotten to school after being called and was looking in through the side window to see how I was.  Well,  I was pretty much a bloody mess but that didn't seem like enough drama so I sat up in the gurney, looked at her and then faked like I passed out, or possibly passing, falling back down with my tongue hanging out.  I will never forget the look on her face.  I got that same look when she found out I was going overseas to Nam.   Mothers are like that.  I'm sure you were just like her.  The paramedic said I was a nasty piece of work for doing that to my poor Mom.  Sadly, I'm much worse now as my wife, daughter and Lucy will attest :-)

For Mom's, it is It is good to know that eventually boys grow up and these vehicular things happen less often even though they might never stop as in the case of my twin who is 'crash' to this day.  Still, most men don't get older than 8 no matter how old they are...... so stuff happens that shouldn't when you least expect it:-)

Fantastic that things are better and bread can take center stage every day again.

Ohhh, I think if I was your mother and you did that to me , the doctors would have to worry about a couple more injuries. lol

Parents always want to protect and if I could have , I would have taken the broken ribs and all the rest of it so that he was fine. sighhh

The boys are 26 and 22 years of age but to me they are sill my little boys, no matter how embarrassing they think I am. ha

But you know, the 5th day in hospital my son Phil said : Mum, can you PLEASE bring me sourdough sandwiches, I need GOOD food.

Made me smile.

Thought I hadn't seen you around in a while. Thank goodness all your family will come through this ordeal ok. Wishing your sons a speedy recovery. 

Glad to have you back. 

So glad you are back.  Was wondering where you had gone.  So glad you and your boys are on the mend and you can get back to posting your great bakes!  We missed you.

Sondra in Oz

Thank you Sondra, yes, I missed coming here, but health has to come first, and of course all the stress after the boys accident. 

So glad all is going good now.

It is wonderful that your sons are healing….and walking!  Thank heavens, it was not spinal cord damage.  Every parent whose teenager has earned or is working towards a driver's license can well understand what you have been through.  For me, it will be the grandkids that soon have me "holding my breath" as they take that big step.   Your story has a happy ending….and that wonderful bread you bake will heal hearts as well as bodies.  Welcome back!

Hi Petra,

It is such a pleasure to see you back.  I am so sorry to hear of your troubles but glad that you are now in a place that you are back to sharing and posting.

Best wishes to you and your family for continued healing and better days ahead!

I thank you Jane Dough, 

I am so glad that I am back here, I missed beeing here and get inspired by all the other Amateur Bakers:)

All is good :)