This Bread was made up of %100 Water Percentage (Hydration)...
- 350 gr APF
- 150 gr Whole WF
- 15 gr Potato Flour
- 15 gr Wheat Germ
- 530 gr Water (%100 Bakery percentage)
-150 gr Starter (%100 Hydration)
- 12 gr Salt
Overall hydration is : %100...
- TigerX's Blog
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Looks fantastic inside and out. How was the dough to handle? My go-to wholewheat is 40% w/w at 78% hydration, and it's pretty easy to deal with, but I'm sure 100% is a good bit stickier.
I was about to ask a related question (kinda) in the forums, I wonder if you can help ... Is there a formula or at least guideline for how much additional water to add when upping wholegrain amounts? i.e. if a recipe calls for 10% w/w and I make it 30% w/w, how much additional hydration should I add to keep the dough texture about the same?
What does the addition of potato flour do to the bread? Is it for flavor or texture (or something else?). I have some in the pantry for Szechuan cooking experiments.
For a 30% Whole grain, 70% WW dough I would use a minimum hydration of 80 % however 85-90 % would be ideal. Honestly I don't find most whole grains significantly dry a dough if your base is also WW, however as a rule 80% hydration for 10% WG, 85% for 30% WG and 90-100% for 40% WG. 50% WG and up is best left to the Robertsons of the world ;).
Thanks BC, actually I haven't ventured into whole grains yet, I was just asking regarding bread made with AP mixed with w/w and/or rye.
I winged it today using FWSY recipes as a base - on a recipe based on 500g of total flour, I'm adding 1g of additional h2o for each 1% of w/w in the recipe.
Based this on Forkish's 100% AP bread using 360g water (1/2 recipe, 500g flour) and his 40% w/w using 400g water.
%100 hydration is very very sticky. After you have tried a lot of time you will be able to handle it...
I don't know the exact rule of adding water to add upping wholegrain amounts. It depends on your gluten value of flours.
Potato absorbs more water and crumb will be soft for a long time..
I am also curious about the potato flour and adjusting for whole wheat flour. I am guessing, and, please, correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't a 100 percent hydration dough be a sticky mess? The picture is lovely by the way.
Potato absorbs more water and crumb will be soft for a long time.. The bread will be fresh for a long time by this way..
I'll have to try that. Does it affect the flavor much?
Yes, a little bit delicious...