Hello from a BBB


Brand new Bread Baker


I'm from and live in California.  I wasn't a big bread aficionado until I had the opportunity to live in France for a while.  It was incredibly easy to fall into the fresh-baguette-a-day routine.  When I returned home, there was no place to buy a good baguette.  I bought Peter Reinhart's book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice, but before I ever tried baking bread, I had an opportunity to return to Paris.  I had read about Gosselin's baguettes, so I made a point of trying them.  I ended going as often as I could to buy baguettes and sandwiches.  They were very good!  Still, it took me quite awhile to build up the courage to try it myself.  My results were tasty if not beautiful.  Now I'm hooked and want to bake bread all the time.  

I found this forum while searching for little bits of info here and there.  Glad I found you!