100% sourdough. Equal parts of sourdough and flour.

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100% sourdough. Equal parts of sourdough and flour.

1 kg bread flour, 1 lt liquid sourdough, water and salt.


This is what liquid sourdoughs are all about.   Flour, sourdough starter and salt,  with a little water to make the right dough hydration.   

Equal parts...  not so sure, does 1 litre of sourdough weighs 1kg?     volumes again vs weight    

Did you happen to weigh that litre of sourdough starter?  What did it weigh and what hydration has the starter?  Was it peaking, falling, rising, deflated before measuring?  I know, I can be a pest sometimes but I'm trying to do the math.   :)

with that much levain. Click your heels 3 times and its ready for the oven.  Great looking bread with big ole ears!  Well done and happy baking 


Beautiful. Okay, two - inspiring.