I've been reading things on The Fresh Loaf for years, but don't think I've ever got involved in the forums (why not, I don't know).
I'm an ex-film journalist who now prefers to write about food. I've been making bread at home seriously for maybe 6 years, though I've been baking most of my life; I've lived in New Zealand and Italy, but mostly in England; I've done a baking diploma at a sad school in London; I sometimes bake for catering gigs; and I blog at breadcakesandale.wordpress.com , Instagram (quite often) at /danieletherington and tweet (ocassionally) @DanEther
So yes, hello Fresher Loafers.
Welcome! :)
Recently de-lurked here myself. I'm originally from Manchester, but lived in Brooklyn for many years.
You have a lot more experience than me, hope to see some of your bakes in the blog section!
Hi, Dan.
Welcome to TFL!
Tell us more about what you like to bake. Photos are always appreciated.
I've got a lot of pics of my bakes on my Instagram and my personal blog. Will investigate how it works here.
I'm relatively new too, having recently emerged from my lurker cocoon. This is a very rich resource as you no doubt already know. I've had my head done in wading through "variations on a theme called autolyse" and the steps to go through when home milling.
Hi Audrey. Yes, I'm just starting to enjoy some adventures in autolysing.