Where to find Wheat Berries in Canada


Hi,  I've been researching where I can find Hard Red Wheat berries as well as Soft wheat, Durum wheat and Rye.  Does anybody have any sources that they'd like to share.  There doesn't seem to be many around. 

Thank you! 

I found this one in British Columbia in a fast Google search for "whole wheat berries canada supplier".  There were some other links.  One of them may be closer to you.

Thanks, I found fieldstone but thier shipping is really expensive.  More than a few other places I've found.  Thanks for the suggestion though.  

Daybreak Mill in Estavan SK is my first choice. On their website They list retailers that sell their product or they ship.

Thanks, I called today and their shipping is more reasonable than fieldstone.  I'm also happy that they sell durum wheat.  That's hard to find it seems.  Thanks again!