Vermont sourdough with whole wheat


When I got Hamelman's bread book, I decided to try new recipe every week

my 2nd bread was the Vermont sourdough with whole wheat - got stuck there

I just love it!. This is the 5th time I bake it





In the original recipe the percentage of whole wheat is 10%


I recently got the Hamelman book, this may have to be my first recipe from it!


To echo others...that looks pretty much perfect!

I am proud to say this is my first ear :)

I had few failure attempts before

A very nice go at this favourite of mine.  It will make a nice sourdough to have around the home for a few days...or in my case a few hours.  Happy baking


Very well executed. Well shaped, well scored, good crust, good crumb, great oven spring, what's not to like? As DA suggests, time to master another loaf or alternatively, push up the level of wholewheat in there and see how that goes.

I didn't expect so many comments :)

I will try to increase the percentage of whole wheat



I baked the same loaf today but at 70% hydration. It was my best attempt so far, but then again I am a beginner! I wonder whether I could replace the white  flour with wholemeal and keep everything else the same? Or increase the hydration?

Profile picture for user chouette22

what a beautiful loaf - very well done!

Profile picture for user kimlisimply

..your bread looks delicious!   I want to make it too.  Well done!