Some New Bakes


Been adding/improving some of my formulas of late.  I have a most excellent chocolate brownie recipe but have been tinkering with my cocoa brownie for some time.  The most recent bake was my favorite yet so I thought I'd share.  Why bother when I have a great chocolate brownie recipe already?  Well they are quite different and a cocoa brownie is much more affordable to make as good chocolate gets pricey fast.  And maybe that bit of crazy has something to do with it as well.  

Tinkered with my five grain formula for a Toasted Millet (Birdseed Levain).  I toasted the millet and then added a small amount of starter when soaking to put a bit of ferment on them as well.  The smell of the soaker the next morning was amazing.  The loaf turned really tasty.  A finer crumb but I think it suited the loaf quite well.  

A friend/baker stopped in passing through. His focus is very much on 100% whole grain breads but since I knew we'd only have one afternoon to work I settled on a loaf with 60% Whole Grain (28.5% Hard Red Wheat, 28.5% Hard White Wheat, and 5% Rye) all fresh milled.  I went with a direct method and upped the Pre-fermented flour to 25%.  Added some diastatic malt mostly for flavor and a vibrant/lively dough. Turned out just fantastic IMHO.  

Well I'll share some pics and the formula and let you get on with your day.  

First up the JP 60% Wholegrain loaf.  

For 4 - 850g loaves or 2 - 1.7KG Miche

   PF10.448 PF 20.000PF Flour
  Levain25.0% PF 20.0% 
  Seed Hyd66%166.00%Seed Hyd0%100.00%25.00%
 Total FormulaStiff LevainPF2FINAL DOUGH
Fresh HRW0.51128.50%0.14634.00%0.0000.00%Fresh HRW0.347
Fresh HWW0.51128.50%0.0000.00%0.0000.00%Fresh HWW0.511
Fresh Rye0.0543.00%0.0000.00%0.000100.00%Fresh Rye0.054
White (11.5%)0.71740.00%0.29666.00%0.0000.00%White (11.5%)0.421
Malt 0.0070.37%0.0000.00%0.0000.00%Malt 0.007


Prepare Levain @ 73F and let ferment 10-12 hours. 

Autolyse 1 hour DDT 80F (Hold Back 10% H20 and malt)

Add Levain, malt, and some of held back water and mix to combine.  

Add Salt with a touch of h20 and mix to medium development. 

Bassinage with 5% h20 (so use half of held back water for mixing levain and salt)

Bulk 2:30 with a fold right at end of mix, then 3 folds @ 40, 1:20, 2:00

Divide, preshape, rest 20 minutes.  Shape to floured bowl.  

Proof 1:15 - 1:30 

Bake 500 with steam for 17 mintues and vented for 30-35 more.  

Photo is above


Birdseed Levain (Toasted Fermented Millet) For 2 @ 750g

   PF10.095 PF 20.000PF Flour
  Liquid Levain13% Rye Sour0% 
  Seed Hyd66%166.00%Seed Hyd100%200.00%13.00%
 Total FormulaLiquid LevainRye SourFINAL DOUGH
White Wheat0.23432.00%0.087100.00%0.0000.00%White Wheat0.139
Milet Flour0.0669.00%0.0000.00%0.0000.00%Milet Flour0.066
Millet Toasted0.11015.00%      
H200.11015.00%    Total Soaker0.222
Malt0.0020.30%    Malt0.002
Salt0.0182.50%    Salt0.018

Make Soaker and Levain 12 hours ahead.  

Autolyse 90 minutes DDT 80F (Hold Back 10% H20)

Soften levain with 3% of the held back water and mix to combine well.  

Add Salt with 1 % held back water and mix until just showing signs of gluten developing.  

Bassinage with remaining H20.  

Bulk 4:00 with 2 folds @ 1:00 and 2:00

Preshape, rest 20-30 minutes, Shape to floured bowls.  Retard 12-18 hours

Bake 500 with steam for 17 minutes and vented 25-30 minutes longer

And finally some Cocoa Brownies

For 1 half sheet pan (lightly greased and lined with parchment)

20 oz       Butter, browned and cooled to creamy consistency

7.5 oz         AP Flour

6  oz        Cocoa Powder, high quality

2 tsp.       Sea Salt

12 oz       Chocolate Chips

6             Eggs

24 oz      Sugar

2             Vanilla Beans, split and scraped


Preheat oven to 350F

Mix Yolks with sugar, and vanilla bean using whisk until pale and fluffy

Mix Flour, Cocoa, Salt, and Chocolate Chips together in a bowl. 

Alternate dry mixture and soft butter into egg mix in 3-4 additions (start and end with flour) 

Pour into pan and level out.  

Bake for 20-25 minutes.  It should puff up a bit and be set but a toothpick inserted should still come out pretty gooey.  


Cool on a rack and then place in fridge to firm up.  

Turn out onto a cutting board and cut with a hot sharp knife.  


Cheers and Happy Baking








Love the idea of starter with the seed soaker too - will have to steal that one before you know it:-)  That 60% whole grain with no retard has a nice crumb.  Those brownies are killer.  Will have to try the brownie recipe without the vanilla beans which are way more expensive than really good chocolate.  Vanilla beans have to be the most expensive ingredient by weight after saffron.

Well done and happy baking Josh 

pound for pound you are right but by the amount used vanilla is usually cheaper.  You could get away with just 1 bean but I highly suggest it.  Vanilla Extract doesn't compare.  In fact I don't even buy the stuff anymore.  I just buy the big bag of vanilla beans at making them about $.66 per bean.  But you gotta buy like 150 beans.  And in the ziplock they hold up for a long time.  I'm sure other distributors are even cheaper.  

Yes the light ferment to the soaker was nice.  How much it added in the end?  Who knows but its smelled so good.  

Cheers Dab


Those are great looking loaves. I will surely try them, but I am having a hard time reading (and especially printing) the rows with black type on a royal blue background. Perhaps future recipes could use white type or a lighter blue in those rows.
Thanks for the inspiration.


Do have the numbers in white but it changed when I copied and pasted.  Let's see if I can edit it.  



Brownies look outrageous.  Would last about 5 minutes if my kids had at them…

THIS site sells vanilla beans for quite a bit less than and they have a wide selection of different vanilla beans to choose from as well.

Oh, the breads look great too.  :*)


Thanks Janet

I'll check out that site.  DAB would be committing a felony to suggest vanilla beans are too pricey to use.  They are vastly superior to the extract and can be purchased for a fair price online.  



$5.75 of one bean - 60 cents a bean sounds better if you don't have to buy $100 worth :-)

Even at the local COOP where prices are certainly perked up I can get a bean for $1.39.  Maybe a local bakery would be willing to sell you a few at a better price?  If not maybe you got some friends that would chip in and split a bag.  

If not let me know and I'll mail you a few beans 


Some great ideas, not to mention salivatingly fetching outcomes, in those two breads.  What a look, for 60% whole grain.  Wow.  Well done!  And millet flour?  Now there's a concept. 

I know where the influences on my bake this weekend are going to come from!  Thanks Josh!


Profile picture for user BobS

Fermented soaker. Very cool. I'm doing that.

I really wish you hadn't posted a picture of those brownies.




In reply to by BobS

brownies are so easy to prepare and so fun to eat.

The hard part is getting them cold enough to cut.  But you could always just reserve a corner of the pan to scoop on ice cream while still warm.  Yum


Profile picture for user a_warming_trend

...simply amazing crumb for 60% whole grain. 

Glad you tried prefermenting the soaker, I love the prefermented Kamut flakes in my soaker But I cook them slightly before adding while trying not to stir. Your right the smell is amazing.

It's a spin on the recipe used at my previous job that were always overbaked.  I knew it was a solid formula and pretty much added the browned butter (an accident I stuck with), and vanilla bean for extract as I pretty much don't even stock the liquid stuff anymore.  


Awesome bakes Josh.  Love your scoring on the second bread.  You are getting such amazing color on your loaves and as usual your crumb looks perfect.

I just gained 5 pounds looking at those brownies!



Fotografie e risultati impeccabili che si commentano da soli.

Grazie infinte della straordinaria condivisione.


Mi piace condividere e grazie per le gentili parole . Sono alla ricerca di un classico pane italiano fatto in una tortiera che ha carne e formaggio in esso . Un mio amico sta cercando di replicare qualcosa che ha mangiato durante un viaggio in Italia . Si cuoce in una tortiera crediamo . O devo dire che è una pagnotta piatta rotonda . Ho preso la sua formula , che è una supposizione e adattato per il sapore , ma mi chiedo se siete a conoscenza di qualcosa di autentico che potrei provare ? Il nostro ha Pomodori secchi , parmigiano , prosciutto , lardo , e le farine sono bianchi e semolino . Biga come PF . Cin cin

Sarò felice di aiutare con una eventuale ricetta, ne avrei già in mente una a dir poco straordinaria e da eseguirsi con lievito naturale.

Mi sarebbe di aiuto da parte tua, il venire a conoscenza della regione Italiana nella quale il tuo caro amico ha soggiornato e conseguentemente gustato quella tipologia di Pane.

Resto in attesa di tue notizie.

A presto, Anna

Questa è la ricetta che pensavo di lasciarti, affinchè tu possa provarla.

Mi capita di prepararla spesso in estate quando ho ospiti e ceniamo in giardino.

Mi farebbe piacere cosa ne pensi e se per caso tu la provassi, mi piacerebbe poter veder il tuo risultato.


La ciambella salata dall'impasto soffice 

- 500 g di farina 00 - (1/2 farina di frumento per pane e 1/2 farina per tutti gli usi)
- 50 g di strutto o burro
- 50 g di zucchero
- 1 uovo
- 250 ml di acqua a temperatura ambiente
- 10 g di sale
- 12 g di lievito compresso - oppure 150 g. di lievito Naturale idratato al 50% dopo un rinfresco

Per il ripieno
- 50 g di emmenthal - 50 g di asiago - oppure 100g. di formaggi a piacere a cubetti
- 50 g di salame a cubetti
- 50 g di prosciutto crudo a cubetti
- 6 pomodorini ciliegini
- una decina di olive verdi denocciolate e tagliate grossolonamente
- 100 g di mozzarella a cubetti

1 uovo diluito con poco latte per spennellare la ciambella prima di andare in forno e semi di sesamo per la finitura


Sciogliete il burro (o lo strutto) e fatelo raffreddare.
Mettete la farina con lo zucchero in una ciotola capiente, fate la fontana e rompetevi l’uovo al centro.
Sciogliete il lievito in mezzo bicchiere d’acqua (tolta dai 250 ml).
Cominciate a sbattere l’uovo, e unite il lievito, incorporando poco alla volta la farina. Continuate ad aggiungere l’acqua e il sale, per ultimo aggiungete il burro (o strutto) sciolto e intiepidito.
Formate una palla, copritela con la pellicola e ponetela a lievitare nel forno spento con la lucetta accesa per due ore circa.
Riprendete l’impasto e stendetelo formando un rettangolo di circa 40×30 cm spesso 1 cm abbondante e distribuite gli ingredienti per il ripieno tagliati a piccoli pezzi.

Arrotolate dal lato lungo e formate una ciambella.

Potete sistemarla in uno stampo a ciambella ma anche nella placca del forno rivestita di carta da forno.

Mettete a lievitare nuovamente in forno spento per un’ora circa (se utilizzate il lievito compresso) altrimenti fino al raddoppio se utilizzate il lievito naturale.
Spennellate con uovo battuto con poco latte e cospargete con semi di sesamo.
Infornate a 180 °C per 30 minuti circa.

Felice cottura, a presto.


Grazie Anna , Ciò che potrebbe essere chiamato questo pane nel tuo mondo ? Che tipo di salsiccia ? Penso che rielaborare la tua idea con un Biga per creare sapore più complesso, ma non devono insegnare opere lievito naturale per il mio amico . Suona come deve essere buono Josh