My name is Ronan, I'm from Dublin, Ireland but I currently live in Ontario, Canada. I'm a 20 year old horse trainer and artist but I love to cook and bake on the side.My latest obsession is baking bread. I experiment with any recipe I can get my hands on and my favourite tasters are my grandparents.I come from a very heavily influenced Irish and Spanish family, so my cooking is very mixed, but hey you need diversity in life.Training horses and selling my art is a full time job but one day I would love to open my own bakery, after all if you're going to dream, dream big right? I love meeting new people and learning new recipes, so please message me or hit me up for a chat!
Tenga un buen dia and Slainte!
Welcome to this wonderful site . So much to be learnt here from so many kind and helpful bakers ! I had to write a few lines to you as I too am in Canada and share your interests - horses , art and baking bread . Enjoy them all !
Best regards, ex Brit Merlie.
Hello and welcome to the Fresh Loaf. Floyd Mann is our host. Feel free to ask questions, tell us of your successes, and failures (we all have these). Use the box at the top right hand side of this window to search for some answers to previous questions.