Please help!

Profile picture for user Zarina

My name is Zarina and new here ! I like baking bread and trying to get pro on it ) I baked bread last night and its good except I think it's dense still how can I make it lighter and fluffier ?  :/

Profile picture for user lepainSamidien

Hey Zarina,

First off, welcome to the site ! Glad to have you on board (pun intended).

Next, if you could share the process by which you made this loaf--which looks pretty darn good by my standards--I am sure we can offer you some helpful insights, gleaned and distilled from thousands of hours of collective experience. Formulas, techniques, environment--spare us no details in your description ! It looks like you are making a white loaf, so that rules out too much whole-grain flour, thus I would imagine that you will need either to increase the hydration of your dough, or to handle it more gently during gluten development, or give the dough a more delicate shaping, if a lighter, airier bread is what you desire.

Happy happy baking !

but to help, I agree, we need to know your recipe, ingredients, your technique, temperatures, etc. And I also agree that just increasing the amount of water a little might be enough to give you the result that you want. Good luck!

Looks pretty good overall. 

If you want lighter & fluffier you have a few options:

1. Use stretch & fold method instead of kneading. (search these forums for info)

2. Use tang zhong a.k.a. water roux method when making your dough.  

3. Use intensive kneading (for example, in Kitchenaid mixer with dough hook on speed #4 for 10 minutes). Look for txfarmer's posts on shreddably soft bread. 

4. Incorporate more fat or protein into your dough (milk/butter/shortening/oil/etc). 

5. Incorporate cooked mashed potato, potato flour, or instant potato flakes into your dough. 

You may be able to combine some of these methods to further make your crumb lighter/fluffier.