Coffee Cake (yeast)


In another thread david had asked me about a sweet type of dough that could be used for cheese pockets ( a fave of his)

yes i do have such a formula.  It is some where between a bun dough (lean) and a danish/ babka (rich)

this is an easy dough to make using the straght dough method only one rise and a short rest and the dough id ready to be made up into cheese or fruit pockets or what ever shape and filling you wish


ingredient                       Lb         Oz

sugar                               1
salt                                              1
Milk Powder (skim)                          4
Butter and or shortening    1

eggs (1/4 yolks)               1

Yeast                                          5
water                               1

Water                              1
vannila                                       1
cardamom                                 1/4

Cake flour                       1
Bread Flour(11.5-12.7)      3           4

Mix the sugar salt milk powder and shortening and butter to a paste

add the eggs and stir

if using powdered yeast mix it with part of the water if cake yeast crumble it in with the flour

add the water (eather all or the part without the yeast vanilla and spice

add the flour and the water with the yeast or crumbled yeast on top of the flour

this acts as a buffer so the yeast does come in direct contact with the salt which has a killing efftct on the yeast which will greatly slow frementation

mix well to get a smoth soft dough

The dough will clean-up (pull away from the sides of the mixer GIVE IT Time do add extra flour.  when making sweet yeast doughs many bakers make the mistake of not allowing the dough the time it needs to reach the stage where the gluten is delevoped enough for the dough to clean up the sides of the mixer.  thinking they made the dough to soft they then add additional flour to "help"the dough to reach the clean up stage and end up with a dough that is too dry and tough.  this will result with a dry product and also speed up stailing of the finished product.

cover and give one good rise

punch down and shape into a ball or large loaf shape depending of what you are going to make with the dough

allow a 10-20 minute rest and make up.

once made up you can frezz the unbaked units or place on a tray to bake

if frozen the pieces will live in the frezzer for about 60 days thaw at room temp alow to rise and bake normaly.

alow to get 3/4 proof  avoid full proof (WILL CAUSE COLASPE OF THE PIECES)

egg wash and bake at 350. and or springle with crumb topping

when baked wash with simple syurp 1part water and 1 1/2 parts sugar which has boiled for 1 or 2 minutes.
the crumb toped pieces do not get washed just dust with powdered sugar when completly cool.

for added flavor you may add orange and lemon peel to the syrup

ice with fondant  or symple powdered sugar icing if wanted


ps sorry for the amounts all my formulas are profesional production formulas and are written for bakery amounts

you can allways make 1/2 or a quarter of the mix if the amount is to much without hurting the formula.  I do this all the time

Thanks for the formula for coffee cake dough!  I have a couple of questions ... most likely more questions later.   Please understand I have extremely limited experience baking pastries. Now, eating, that's another thing.   "Yolks (1/4)" - Does this mean "Use 1/4 of the yolks" or "1/4 of the 1 lb of eggs should be yolks and 3/4 should be whites?"  I assume you divide the dough in 3 or 4 oz balls and roll the balls out for filling, then fold over the filling.  Is that what the expression "make up" means?  David

this dough is just like bread just richer

follow your good bread baking ways and yool be fine

This dough can be made with all whole eggs but replace part of the eggs with yolks will mak the dough even richer and better

bakers clasaify eggs into

whole -the whites and yolks--one egg

whites just whites

and yolks--just yolks

this dough you would use 4 oz of yolks( one quater of the amount shown) and 12 ounces of whole eggs.

can be any percentag of yolks yoy want you can go as high as 50-50yolks -whole eggs but for this dough it would be way overkill

the term "make-up" refers to the final procedurs for shaping the items and getting them ready for the final proof

in "making-up bread you would scale  the loafs from the whole dough round uo the pieces and give them the final shape ether tapered, sandwitch, or round.

making-up cinnamon buns would mean rolling out the dough spreding the filling rolling up the dough into a long snake and cutting the indavidual rolls.

the process of putting the cut rolls on to a tray for final proof or bread into wooden proof boxes (See the rye bread thread for an ongoing discution on bread proof boxes i think i will start a new topic on this in a day or two)  is called panning.

IE : I made up and paned out the cinamon buns. 

I dont know what shape you had when you were yonger but i will outline every thing here as best as i can

after the one full rise

We would scale the dough into large pieces (about 5 pounds) and round them into large rough balls (called a press)

these presses would be put into a machine (called a press machine for reasons that should be clear---link to picture ) This machine would cut the dough into 36 pieces of equal weght.

the pieces would be seperated by hand and would be now ready for "make_up

for round filled open pockets the pieces would be rounded and placed on sheet pans and alowed to rest till 1/2 proof.   Using a round heavy object like a small round meat pounder or a scale weght or a stick even we would push the center of the round piece down forming something that looks like a bialy.

then egg wash the pockets and deposit the cheese or fruit filling in the middle allow to finish proof and bake

for  open pokeits the pieces from the press machane would be streched out into a square shape and the filling deposited on the center of the square

two opisete corners would be folded over the filling forming a kind of dimond shape with the filling still visable on two sides (do this with a square of paper and you will understand very quickly

for closed pockets all four corners would be folded over the filling completly inclosing it in the dough so the filling could no linger be seen.

open and closed pockets were egg washed just before going into the oven and sometimes sliced almonds would be placed on top for apperance,

while the round filled open pokets were egg washed BEFORE the filling was placed to avoid egg washing the filling which would cause an egg crust to form during baking and make for a bad looking product.

after baking the finished pieces would be washed with the hot symple syrup as soon as they came out of the oven we would have the oven glove on one hand and the brush in the other they would get washed right on the oven door never making it to a bench, rack, or counter.
this was so the fresh oven heat would cause the syurp to dry into that sticky glace that everyone likes.

ice the pieces when they cool down a little with ether fondant icing or symple icing which is just powded sugar and water mixed to make somthing that looks like a white thick gravy runny but still has some body.  the icing will also dry as the pockets cool the rest of the way.


the dough would  Baker for over 25 years-----Ret


The open pocket version sounds an awful lot like kolaches (which Beth Hensperger calls Bohemian Sweet Rolls in her Bread for All Seasons book).


YOU are right

they are called by many names depending on culture and location.  i use the generic name for instructional purposes

Pro Baker for over 25 years-----Ret

Priceless, Norm!  I scored a pound of hoop cheese, some non-fat milk powder and ground cardamon at  Whole Foods Market this evening. I'm set for the weekend pastry bake.  FYI, the cheese pockets were square but somewhat open. They must have been made by pulling or rolling and cutting each piece into a square, placing the filling over the center 1/2 to 2/3 of the dough and folding each side half way to the center, so some of the filling was sandwiched between two layers of pastry, and some was just sitting on the bottom.   An egg wash might have been used, but they were not glazed. They were sprinkled with confectioner's sugar.  If memory serves, they also had a crumb coating on top. I assume this was a mix of flour, sugar and shortening, but I wouldn't know the proportions. Does that sound at all familiar?  David

the topping you are refering to is a standared formula that is simply made by combining 1 part sugar with 1 part fat and two parts flour by weght.

you would just cream the sugar and fat to a smoth light paste and then mix the flour in by hand untill you get a fine or course looking cromb topping

you can adjust the fineness or courseness by the amount of rubbing

if it is to dry a little oil can be added to make it more moist.

butter and and margerin will give you a more crisp topping while shortening will give you a little softer toping

the sugar can be all white or part brown

you can also add a little honey for taste and color as well as cinamon to taste

you cannot go wrong as long you follow the rule


1 part sugar  white/brown or some of each   4oz

i part hard fat shortening -butter --margerin or any combination    4 oz

2 parts AP  flour                              8 oz



yes you would not glace if using the crumb topping and powder suger YOU would egg wash so the crumb topping will stick to the pastry and not fall off after baking dust with powder suger only after completly cool or the suger will melt and turn a off white grayesh color

Pro Baker for over 25 years-----Ret

one more thing this dough can be mixed with the dough hook or flat padle

it will come clean from the sides of the mixer but it will take a little time so don't rush the mixing

Pro Baker for over 25 years-----Ret

Hi, Norm.  I need some clarification regarding proofing the coffee cake dough.  After dividing: It looks like you proof each rounded piece to 1 1/2 times the original size before forming the pastries. Is this correct?  After filling the pastries and folding: It looks like you proof again "3/4" before baking. Is this correct?  I have your formula and a recipe for cheese filling and streusel topping typed up, but need these two questions answered before making the cheese pockets this weekend. Then, I'll post the whole affair with photos.