If I could only eat 3 things, 1 of them would be cheese, the other bread and the third I'm not so sure. There is nothing that smells so good as bread baking with cheese oozing out of it.
Continuing my exploration of sprouted flour I decided to make a porridge bread using freshly ground and sprouted whole wheat for around 36% of the flour with the balance being KAF European style and AP from the levain.
I used what I had left of a nice semi-sharp New Zealand cheddar cheese which worked very well with this formula. If I had to do it again I would prefer to add even more cheese to take it over the top.
The porridge portion consisted of KAF Organic Six Grain Flakes which consisted of oat, barley, rye and a couple of other grains which I mixed with milk.
On one of the loaves I decided to top it off with some smoked bamboo sesame seeds which really added a nice finishing touch.
The end result of this bake was near perfection. This one tastes as good as it gets. The crumb is nice and moist from the porridge and the sprouted whole wheat adds another layer and dimension to the final bread. If you get a chance I highly recommend you try this one as it won't disappoint.
Download the BreadStorm File Here.
Levain Directions
Mix all the Levain ingredients together for about 1 minute and cover with plastic wrap. Let it sit at room temperature for around 7-8 hours or until the starter has doubled. I usually do this the night before.
Either use in the main dough immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day before using.
Porridge Directions
Add about 3/4’s of the milk called for in the porridge to the dry ingredients in a small pot on your stove, set to low and stir constantly until all the milk is absorbed. Add the remainder of the milk and keep stirring until you have a nice creamy and soft porridge. Remove from the heat and let it come to room temperature before adding to the dough. I put mine in the refrigerator and let it cool quicker
Main Dough Procedure
Mix the flours, and water together in your mixer or by hand until it just starts to come together, maybe about 1 minute. Let it rest in your work bowl covered for 20-30 minutes. Next add the salt, starter (cut into about 7-8 pieces), and cooled porridge, and mix on low for 6 minutes. Add the cubed cheese and mix on low for 1 minute until it is evenly distributed. Remove the dough from your bowl and place it in a lightly oiled bowl or work surface and do several stretch and folds. Let it rest covered for 10-15 minutes and then do another stretch and fold. Let it rest another 10-15 minutes and do one additional stretch and fold. After a total of 1.5 hours place your covered bowl in the refrigerator and let it rest for 12 to 24 hours.
When you are ready to bake remove the bowl from the refrigerator and let it set out at room temperature still covered for 1.5 to 2 hours. Remove the dough and shape as desired. Place your dough into your proofing basket(s) and cover with a moist tea towel or plastic wrap sprayed with cooking spray. The dough will take 1.5 to 2 hours depending on your room temperature. Let the dough dictate when it is read to bake not the clock.
Around 45 minutes before ready to bake, pre-heat your oven to 550 degrees F. and prepare it for steam. I have a heavy-duty baking pan on the bottom rack of my oven with 1 baking stone on above the pan and one on the top shelf. I pour 1 cup of boiling water in the pan right after I place the dough in the oven.
Right before you are ready to put them in the oven, score as desired and then add 1 cup of boiling water to your steam pan or follow your own steam procedure.
After 1 minute lower the temperature to 500 degrees and after another 3 minutes lower it to 450 degrees. Bake for 25-35 minutes until the crust is nice and brown and the internal temperature of the bread is 210 degrees.
Take the bread out of the oven when done and let it cool on a bakers rack before for at least 2 hours before eating.
- Isand66's Blog
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And I bet it is... soft and cheese-y. You seem to have gotten the hang of using sprouted wheat to advantage. Any tricks you'd like to pass on?
Thanks Cathy. So far the main trick of using sprouted wheat is to make sure you dry the sprouts thoroughly before grinding them. Other than that, it is important not to let the dough over proof.
I hope you get to try this one as I'm sure you would enjoy. I brought 1 loaf to work so I only have a little left for myself. Guess I need to make another one soon!
bake. Sprouts, cheese and porridge is pretty fancy do to - and no gummy crumb!. Love this one inside and out and the cheese has to put it over the top. Looks like a good sandwich bread and no cheese slice required. Well done indeed. My third thing would be smoked meats after cheese and bread :-) Got to get wine, spirits and beer in there too with pizza, ice cream, chocolate, cookies, cakes and pastries........ and PIE!
Lucy says Hi to her Baking East Coast Buddies and wishes them Happy Holidays
Thanks DA. I thought you would enjoy this one. I agree with all of your comments! I wish I had kept both loaves for myself but I just finished the last piece this morning so it's time to whip something else up.
I'm sure Lucy is busy helping you with your holiday baking and her East Coast buddies say thanks for the holiday wishes.....Lexi is wishing for a white out as she loves playing in the snow.
Happy Holidays to you and yours.
You keep out doing yourself. Nice Bake. You can't go wrong with bread and cheese... two of my favorites. This is another one I'll have to add to my "to-do list" of breads I want to bake. The list keeps getting longer and available time gets shorter, particularly with the holiday. :-) I just got some Durum to try your Durum Sprouted Whole Wheat bread. Thanks for sharing another great bake.
Glad you enjoy my post. I hope your Durum loaf comes out good. Please let me know how it turns out. Make sure to hold back some of the water and add it after you mix in your starter. Depending on your flour you may not need to add all of it.
Thanks for your comment.
Thank you for your kind words. I have made the 100% sprouted wheat loaf from PR's book. It took me a couple of tries after I figured out how to dry the sprouts thoroughly. It tasted great and was worth the extra work.
I love eggs too but a good steak is right up there too :).
Look forward to hearing how your next sprouted bake goes.
Interesting combination - sprouted wheat AND porridge AND cheese! I'll try my home-sprouted rye flour tomorrow, after I finished my large poppy seed stollen and lebkuchen order.
Thanks Karin. Look forward to hearing how your bakes go. Hope you get a chance to try this one as I'm sure you will like it.
Happy Holiday.
That looks really tasty, must taste great - as Karin says, really interesting combination. Nothing like a good cheddar so I've printed this one out and it's climbed to the top of my to do list. Best wishes for the holidays!!
Thanks for your kind words. Let me know when you try it. Make sure to leave back some of the water to add in the final mix.
Happy holidays to you as well.