Ryetest week 7B, A treat for the holidays

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Zelten di Natale, or just Zelten; a popular fruit bread in South Tyrol, an alpine region in northern Italy. 

That's not surface topping, the loaves are loaded with fruit and spices fore and aft, and top to bottom. Yes, there's a little bit of rye dough too.

I'm saving these to serve at our annual holiday dinner, but I've nibbled a little. These are definitely not the dreaded annual Fruit Cake from aunt Jane!

David G


Yes...Loaded with fruit.  Looks like a fruit bar with a little rye to hold it together. With you saying "These are definitely not the dreaded annual Fruit Cake from aunt Jane!"  Bet they taste wonderful and hope they are well received at your annual holiday dinner.  Happy Holiday!

Those look amazing David.  I have a fruit type bread to bake up next from the testing recipes but not quite like your "Fruit Pizza".

I could charge admission!  The zelten are cooling as I write and the fragrance is intoxicating.  Then again, with two different snockered fruit soakers and five different spices, how could it be anything but delightful?


for a Holiday gift bread  - but over taking the great and wonderful fruit cake is a stretch since we have never heard of these either ;-)  Well done and

Happy baking

We are supposed to wait two weeks for these beauties to ripen.  It's going to be a long two weeks.  And it is mind-bendingly difficult to imagine how they could possibly taste any better than they do now.  


Oh! My word...two weeks...that's torture.  I'd have to put them up some where so I couldn't see them.  Your Zelten is absolutely beautiful.  A fruit lovers dream.  We've had some pretty aromatic bakes amongst the different groups.  I had one that I just wanted to bottle it up for aroma therapy.  Happy Holidays Paul.

I'm going to serve mine at Christmas dinner. That's only 12 days after baking, but I'll chance it ;-)

David G