For bread #62 I broke down and bought an Emile Henry dutch oven (because it is lighter than cast iron). Honestly, I was skeptical. Plus, my aim was mediocre with the dough not exactly hitting the center when I closed the lid and prayed for good results. Not a doubter anymore.
This bread was incredible. Beautiful, gorgeous crust and totally delicious. Yummy.
I don't know if it's just my phone, but there seems to be just a title and no post.
That said, glad you're happy with your dutch oven results! I find them to be pretty great.
Bread #62 is 80 percent whole wheat, with freshly-milled flour from a local farmers market (and put in the freezer immediately upon returning home). I used a familiar 3-day method for making the sourdough bread and then plopped the dough into an incredibly hot dutch oven, being used for its maiden voyage.
The dutch oven was so hot it required oven mitts AND pot holders.
I do not know whether it was the dutch oven, the flour, my brilliant decision to remove the lid 30 minutes into baking, or what, but this bread turned out to be the best in quite a while. Outstanding.
Sorry, not sure why my original whole post did not appear.