Traveling baker/musician!!!

Profile picture for user Christopher Hoffman

I'm a new member here who has been baking for a long time on and off, and for the last two years, trying to perfect my naturally leavened artisan bread. I have lurked at this site for awhile, and just now created a login.

In my professional life, I am a music producer and I play keyboards in a Las Vegas show in a major downtown casino.
Prior to Vegas (12 years now), I lived in San Diego CA for 25 years.

I am now here IN San Diego vacationing. Staying with friends here, I loaded up a box with all my baking supplies and gear. One problem, I left my starter in my friend's fridge up in Marin County before hitting the road this morning. 

Is there any chance I could beg a little start from someone on this forum? I could meet someone anywhere that is convenient in the county. I'll buy the coffee, and if it's at Bread & Cie in Hillcrest, a baked good of your choice! 




surely they must have some.  Otherwise, I'd send you some of mine (dried) via the mail if you pm me with the address From AZ should get there in a couple of days.  Just a thought.


that sells sourdough if you can have some starter. Never done this but I believe it's perfectly ok to ask.

 . . . but it could't hurt to ask. I've met stiff resistance to such requests when I first began, before I had a vigorous culture of my own.

Once I am back in vegas I have at least one specimen I can try to revive.

I just need a pinch, I'll take it from there!




Stand outside of your favorite bakery. You will need a plastic container of flour and water to do this. It is very complicated.

Open the container. Now, close the container. You have captured the illusive wild yeast. It will eventually populate with the yeast in your kitchen but at least you have something to start. I refresh my starter every few months. All this starter lore is nonsense.

When you can bake, you can bake anywhere.