Decorated rolls

Profile picture for user Abelbreadgallery

Decorated rolls, with standard dough. 90% bread flour, 10% whole wheat flour, 60% water, 20% sourdough, 2% fresh yeast and 2% sat.

It looks like a nicely cracked roll with a piece of dried orange peel on top.  This photo really has me curious as to what you did.  Lucy says it ooks like a piece of fruit with a couple of leaves hanging on the stem?  Is she close?

Happy baking Abel

I'm guessing it is a small piece of dough (possibly dead dough) that is rolled very thin, then proofed with the roll.  During baking it creates that shape, I've seen it done on larger breads before.

Edit: the shape is called "Chapeau" or "hat" here's another picture of a chapeau bread from a quick google search


Yes, it's a piece of the same dough, flattened with a rolling pin, and cut it in circles.

Before you put the circle over the bun, you paint it with water in the center (it fixes) and with oil in the external parts (it separates).