My Christmas present (I hope!) will be a KoMo mill <grin>
So - any suggestions please on where to source grains in the UK?
I'd love to find a supplier of durum wheat (though I doubt it), but any good quality wheat and also the specialty ones such as Einkorn, Kamut, Spelt etc
Any ideas much appreciated
Thank you so much for so much detail - really appreciated!!
I'll go start looking
For info (if anyone else reading) there is a site called which has loads of different malted grains (for beer brewing) that might be fun to play with...
I hope you are keeping well.…
have wheat and sprouted wheat, Kamut and Rye.
Best Wishes
Yes good point!
Also - the slight disappointment I have is that most places (so far, online) just say "wheat" - no indication of what it is, or the protein, etc? I guess it is too specialist, but I'd've really liked to choose varieties etc...
Still hunting durum wheat grains....
Thanks for the recommendation!
My good news - Fosters Mill at Swaffham Priory (?) is close-ish to me - and they will sell big bags, not on their e-commerce site but available, which is good...
Now just got to wait for Christmas <grin>
Hi Everyone,
As you may have seen I am planning to buy a mill, mostly likely a Mockmill 100 or 200.
I found a few grains suppliers, but super expensives and not a lot of choices of grains.
Any members can let me know some online shop. The Doves Farm shop for example seems to sell only flour, and no grains.
Thanks for your help
I think at the moment you'll find it really hard to get - most of the mills are working flat out on trying to provide flour to the microbakeries and home bakers - the whole of the UK appears to have decided to get into baking bread!! I'd be inclined to buy only limited amounts of basics, just to play with the mill, and wait until later.
PS to update the thread, I did find a supplier of durum wheat grains in the UK - in Cornwall - Padstow Farm Shop - though this was some time ago. I bought a 10kg bag from them - very nice
Morning Salih,
Thank you so much for your response. I totally agree with you. But there is a misunderstanding, I have not bought a mill yet... and I have to finish my flour stock.
I know it is very hard to find some flour and grains ATM but at least I have time to start searching for the best, advices on grains to use etc. Hence my query.
i hope that make sense. I will start the whole process when this madness is finished...
Hi All,
Happy New Year!
I was very pleased to find this forum. I have a Komo mill and have happily been milling for the past 7 years. I usually buy all my grains for but the one grain I have not found is Durum.
If anyone has found this recently in the UK I would very much appreciate the suppliers name please. I am trying to get a grain that I can use for both pasta but also for semolina milling.
Many thanks
Jovial Foods is a great company based in Italy. I know they sell to the U.S. I assume they also ship to the U.K., but I don't know? That's where you can get everything Einkorn.